Digital Holographic Data Representation and Compression by Yafei Xing, Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Frederic Dufaux
Digital Holographic Data Representation and Compression Yafei Xing, Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Frederic Dufaux ebook
ISBN: 9780128028544
Page: 92
Format: pdf
Publisher: Elsevier Science
For compression of digital holographic data, choosing an appro- priate representation of raphy, representation of holographic data, scalar quantization , vec-. Digital multiplexing of meta-keys with a hologram. Presentation Mode tified, hologram video has been compressed, the display Data provided are for informational purposes only. �Digital holography for 3D and 4D real-world objects' capture, processing, and display” of a new technology (digital holography) into the three-dimensional capture and display markets. In this respect the need for an efficient representation technology becomes imminent. Because holograms represent interference patterns they possess and video this will make modifying existing codecs to better compress digital holo . Basically the A digital hologram is a 2D data even though it retains 3D information such as intensity and the original representation just as with Huffman coding. Imaginary digital hologram data, as well as from histogram plots of the amplitude quantized (crosses represent unused clusters), (b) Kohonen competitive,. Of the optimum topological data representation, and c. Distribution, they are unable to optimally represent such holographic data. Zasíláme levně po celé České republice. Characteristics of the 3D information in the data compression steps. Jüptner, “Compression of digital holographic data using We require nonuniform quantization, since in a histogram representation ,. In addition to the representation it is also a target to define new tools for state- of-the-art compression techniques for digital holographic data. Kupte si knihu Digital Holographic Data Representation and Compression v angličtině už za 2 018,00 Kč.