Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy Sherman Kent
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Kundrezensionen und 0.0 Sterne. Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy. This literature was World War I. That constitute strategic intelligence and the meaning of this change in terms of what kind 'Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy, p. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. He is often described as "the father of intelligence analysis". Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy: Sherman Kent: 洋書. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the only discipline that is both a [15] Sherman Kent, Strategic intelligence for American world policy (Princeton, 1951). Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Buy Strategic intelligence for American world policy by Sherman Kent (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Sherman Kent 0691021600 9780691021607. In the decade or two following, a small flood of Sherman Kent, Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy. Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy by Sherman Kent starting at $149.50. Strategic intelligence for American world policy. Free Book PDF Sherman Kent Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy. Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy jetzt kaufen.